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Summer International Travel Grants (SITGs)

Carol is smiling next to a man in a fur hat and elaborately decorated coat and his eagle.
With Kazakh and his eagle at a Naadam festival | Mongolia (Shixin (Carol) Zhao, ’24)

Each year the College awards approximately 100 Summer International Travel Grants to support outstanding undergraduates for intensive language study or research abroad. Awards are $7,000. These grants are made possible by the College and generous donors.

Be sure to read the details of the various grants listed below. We encourage prospective applicants to attend one of the SITG Information Sessions.

Foreign Language Acquisition Grants (FLAGs)

The FLAG program offers awards to support the costs of intermediate or advanced language study abroad. Programs must be at least 8 weeks in duration of intensive language study (at least 15 hours/week) and located in a setting where the target language is predominantly spoken. Applicants must have completed or tested out of the 103 level of the target language by the program start date. If a language is not offered on campus, applicants may apply at any level.

Summer Research Grants

Student Voices

SITG Dispatches